The Winning Result
Titus House is a low cost Christian living community of eight houses in a private development. Most recovery centers and sober living homes help men with addictions up to a certain point, and then they are released back to the street with little to no support. These men need strength and support to make it in the long haul. That’s where You and Titus House play a key role.
Titus House is a non-profit organization dedicated to helping underserved men with a community of love, support, shelter, learning and growth as they rebuild their lives.
Titus House aims to provide men with a supportive Christian living community where they can grow, obtain a career, live the truth of God’s Word, and equip them for successful transition back into society as a productive citizen while helping to build His Kingdom. We accept men from recovery programs, half-way houses, sober living homes, veterans programs, and others, through an application process. Not all men will qualify. Apply to Titus House.
Titus House is not independent from God, but instead exist because of God. We believe in God’s truth. We work on insecurities, insecurity is just a wrong security exposed. The gentlemen of Titus House learn to live in such a way that nothing gets bigger than the awareness of God’s presence in their life. Faith is generated in the atmosphere of experiencing truth and every season of growth is rewarded with pruning.
Men leaving recovery programs, having no strong community, can experience over an 80% relapse rate. Our goal is to reduce relapse to as close to zero as possible. Some say our mission is impossible. We say it is unnatural for a Christian to not have an appetite for the impossible. Our dreams are not independent from God, but instead exist because of God.